Child development is more or less depending on what you do for him as a parent. All activities of the small, ranging from thinking, learning and playing, of course, not only supported by you, but also through what is consumed. Optimal nutrition is absolutely necessary to encourage the development of the child to be optimal, especially the brain.
Maybe you already know the absolute optimal nutritional needs, but what is needed by the baby, maybe you yourself do not know clearly. Actually there are three basic content that is necessary to support the development of the child, namely proteins, fats and vitamins (including minerals). For more details, you can trace one by one.
For what?This substance is very necessary for energy sources, build skeletal muscle, replacing cells damaged by disease, forming hormones, enzymes and immune.
The source anywhere?To get the protein is not hard. Starting from the eggs, milk, meat, fish, tempeh, tofu until nuts. Animal protein is essential for child growth, and better than vegetable protein (from plants) for more complete berkomposisi.
For what?0-5 years of age is a golden time of growth and brain development that will not happen two times in life.
What?The element consists of DHA fat (dokoseheksaenoat acid), arachidonic acid (omega 6) or more commonly known as AA. Two of these acids will support the development of infant visual and sensory acuity.
The source anywhere?Unsaturated fatty acids can be obtained from deep-sea fish. Do not hesitate to give your baby meat or in the form of fish oil. Forget to give him milk nonfat skim milk alias.
VITAMINS (Mineral)
The following vitamins and their benefits must be very familiar to your ears.
l Vitamin A.Certainly very useful for vision, arntioksidan and functional development of the body's cells.
l Vitamin B.Consisting of vitamin B complex which controls the body's metabolism. Vitamin B deficiency makes children grow up and skin berisisk late and abnormalities in the mouth and nasal cavity.
l Vitamin C.An important key immune system of children. Lack of vitamin C will lead to bleeding gums, easy bruising and infection of the skin without any collision.
l Vitamin E.Its function as an antioxidant and stimulates the formation of the body's defense system and the formation of genetic material.
l Vitamin K.When the baby fell and bleed or scratched, then vitamin K will be donating his efforts in the function of blood clotting.
l Iron.Supporting the development of mental power and concentration of children. The drawback would cause anemia.
l Calcium.It's important to see your child grow tall and big as bone and teeth growth depends on it. Not to mention the function of body cells and the nerve. Can be obtained from milk and dairy products and nuts.
l Zinc.It is also important for their future growth. Poor growth, poor appetite, decreased taste acuity and impaired wound healing is caused by deficiency of this one. Can be obtained from meat and seafood.